Monday, July 27, 2009

Tori's Wedding

I'm sad to say I won't get to be a part of Tori's big day. Since the baby will be born tomorrow hopefully and I won't come home until Thursday, there's no way to make it to the wedding. I am really sad about this. Tori is one of my dearest friends and I just hate to miss her special time. I know it will be beautiful and I can't wait to see the pics and video. I must say that I really am so happy that Tori and Bryan are together. They really are perfect for each other. As I write this, I think about all the crazy things the two of us have gotten into over the years. From prank phone calls to exotic trips, we really have had a blast. Even though I will be missing the wedding, I will be thinking of Tori. So, Toe Toe, here's to you! I am so lucky to have known you most of my life! I know you and Bryan will have lots of love and happiness!

The Due Date Has Arrived!

Today is the day that Peggy is due. I am officially 40 weeks. I can hardly believe that the day is finally here. For the last few weeks, I have been anxiously awaiting her arrival. I go to the doctor this morning to check my progress and then on to L & D tonight to get prepped for tomorrow. There is a chance I could go in earlier today but I really think it will be tonight. It is so weird to think we will have a new person in our house the next time we are here together. My new thing is wondering what in the world she will look like. I had a head full of hair and Steven had a Mr. Clean head. Who knows. I really just hope she is healthy and safe. I'll keep you all updated and post pics as soon as I can get to our laptop. Wish us luck and lots of prayers!

Gwen's Last Day As The Baby

Today is officially Gwen's last day as the baby in our house. She has all day until we go in tonight to start things moving so we can have our human baby tomorrow. To provide you all with a little history on Gwen, she got very sick last Labor Day and, as a result, became even more spoiled by her dad, who used to hate her. One of the things she aquired was a pink cat bed. She loved her bed so much that when she got her stitches out, we upgraded her bed to a super deluxe tea cup style bed. We were sure she would just love it. WRONG. She turned her nose up at the teacup bed and continued sleeping in the old plain bed. Over the last ten months or so, we have tried to get her to sleep in the teacup bed. Fast forward to this week, where I have been sleeping in the room with both cat beds ( I cannot get comfortable in our bed). Violet decided she wanted to sleep in Gwen's regular bed while Gwen and Tiger have slept in the human bed with me. To my surprise, this morning, I found Gwen in the teacup bed! She was all the way in the bed all curled up! I don't know if she got mad because Violet was in her regular bed or if she knows something is up. W'ell see how long this lasts. Enjoy the pics of Gwen's old bed and her teacup bed.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

6 More Days?

When will our little baby get here? Yesterday at the doctor, nothing had changed. So, I have another week to go now.(unless she comes on her own) The good news is that I will be induced Monday night/ Tuesday morning. We will go in Monday night for the preliminary stuff and then start the main things early on Tuesday morning. I'll keep you all posted and we will post pics as soon as we have some!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Clay and Lesley

I feel so bad that I haven't written about my brother's exciting news! He is engaged to his girlfriend of several years, Lesley. (finally). We love Lesley and I couldn't hand pick a better match for him. They are planning a June '10 wedding at Outer Banks, NC, close to where Lesley is from. I can't wait for next summer and all of their wedding festivities!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Countdown to Peggy's Arrival

Technically, we have 12 days left. At the doctor on Monday, I learned that I am dialated one centimeter. ( Atleast it is starting.) My doctor told me that if I have progressed somewhat by Monday, we can induce. Otherwise, it will be another week which will take us to July 27th, her due date. I did lose the mucus plug yesterday (I know TMI) so maybe things are starting to happen. I am getting very bored and just in limbo here at home. Steven comes home tonight from California. He had to go on Monday for a very important trip. Now, I finally feel like I can have the baby now that he will be home! I'll keep you all updated and let you know when we are on our way to the hospital. Everyone asks me what is my gut feeling about when I will have this baby. I don't have one yet but I'll let you know when I do!

The Countdown to Peggy

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Better Nursery Layout

I moved the nursery around today. I just wasn't crazy about it the other way although there was more walking space and more space for stuff. However, it looks much more balanced now. Check it out.

Steven Helps Sassy With Emilyn

Saturday night, Steven and I stopped by Laura Ann's to help Mrs. Sally with Emilyn. Laura Ann and Jon went out for a dinner with friends. We think Mrs. Sally is going to be Sassy but well see what the girls call her. Enjoy the pics.

Nursery Almost Finished

Saturday my mom and Jere arrived to install the nursery decor. After everything was up, we realized we needed more ties for the roman shades ( Mom only made two) and some more pillows. I love the way it looks! The fabric looks brighter in these pics. In real life, it is more subtle. I think I may move the room around today. It is just funky with all that furniture in there. Enjoy the pics.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Part One of Nursery Decor

My mom is almost finished sewing. Talk about being down to the wire! She has two small pillows left to make. I probably asked too much of her since I had her sew crib stuff as well as linens for a twin bed that I am leaving in the nursery so I'll have somewhere to sleep when Peggy is tiny. I think it may be easier to start out with her in her own room. Anyway, Michelle brought the bassinet that we all slept in as babies. It did have blue bows on it left from when Mac was a baby. I bought the pink ribbon at Smith's to change it out. Then, I washed the linens for the bassinet and Mom tied the bows on. I just love the bassinet. I think it looks so sweet. Peggy will sleep in it at first. The bassinet has wheels underneath the linens so it can be moved around. For now, the crib is complete with bedskirt and linens. Everything else will be here on Saturday. Mom is installing the drapery and leaving the pillows and linens for the twin bed then too. Check out bassinet pics and crib pics. I'll post nursery pics when it is complete.

Gwen and Tiger Hunt For Moles

Gwen and Tiger love to be outside now. On Tuesday morning, they came running in the house and Gwen had a mole in her mouth. It was literally smaller than a bar of soap.She dropped it and it ran underneath the fridge. About an hour later, the tiny little mole came out of hiding only to find Gwen waiting to attack. Then, the mole ran back under the fridge. The fridge man came that day to fix our fridge (long story) and he wouldn't lift up the fridge to help me catch the mole because he said he was scared of rodents. Later than evening, Steven moved the fridge only to find no mole. The mole either went somewhere else in our house or ran out through a crack. I guess if I start to smell something in a few days, I'll know what happened. Check out these pics from yesterday of the two of them lurking around our yard looking for something to torture.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Another trip to L & D

I'm wondering how much more drama I can take with this pregnancy. Even though I love some drama, when it involves the health of your unborn child, it can be scary. Monday, I went to my regular weekly doc appointment only to learn that my blood pressure was through the roof. My doc immediately sent me to L & D for a battery of tests and blood pressure readings. Everything turned out just fine. I don't have Pregnancy Induced Hypertension just yet. I have to check my BP every few hours and make sure I don't over do it. I was relieved to learn that I don't have any tale tell signs of PID per my blood work. Anyway, I only have 3 weeks and 4 days to the due date so hopefully I'll make it as long as possible. Despite all of the drama, little Peggy is doing great with no stress or issues. I was also relieved to see her on the Ultrasound sucking her little thumb. I can hardly believe that she is about to be here in our house. The past few weeks I have been wishing that things would hurry up and time would go faster. Now, I'm trying to enjoy every day and atleast get a little sleep since I won't have time for that once she's here. It's kinda fun wondering when she will decide to come into the world. I wonder if it will be before or after the due date. I don't think my doc will let me go past the due date. Anyway, I'll post some pics of my fat self later today. Love and hugs.

My photo
Whitney and Steven are a married couple living in Birmingham, Alabama where Whitney is a stay at home mom to Peggy and Steven is a sales rep with Cisco.We enjoy going to the beach,working out(Steven everyday, Whitney about once a year) attending church at Canterbury Church and fixing up their 1962 ranch style Mountain Brook home. Whitney also enjoys spending all of Steven's hard-earned paychecks on stuff for the house and stuff for family and friends. Steven enjoys yelling at Whitney for spending his hard-earned money. Steven and Whitney have three children, which are felines:Tiger,Violet and baby Gwenivere; and now one human child who is the light of our lives, Peggy Palmer!

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