Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 1 of 21 Day Challenge: The Computer Desk

drawer one before

drawer one after

drawer two before

drawer two after

drawer three before

drawer three after

drawer four
computer desk before

computer desk after

In my effort to become more organized and run our house more efficiently, I started the 21 Day Challenge. Day 1 was the junk drawer but since I used a computer desk drawer as a junk drawer, I decided to go ahead and just do the desk on day 1. The computer desk is actually the day 2 challenge, so I am not that off. Anyhow, to say that our desk was a mess was an understatement. As I mentioned before, there are brief periods of organization and neatness here, but they always fall by the wayside due to lack of functionality. This time I actually took the time to make sure the desk is functional so it will stay neat and organized. I followed the tips on the blog, A Bowl Full Of Lemons and began my project. I purchased a few things at Target and got busy. This project was fairly easy and very rewarding. Now, we can use our desk not only for a desk but also as our home command center. (Next post will be about it). Enjoy the before and afters.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sweet Pic Of Our Family

Tori took this pic at our Sunday School Easter Egg Hunt. I meant to post it with those photos but somehow forgot. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The 21 Day Challenge

As my life gets busier, I realize more and more that I need to be extra-organized. I go through waves where our house is organized and then I let it slip into the land of madness and messes. The other night while I was blog-stalking, I came across the blog, A Bowl Full Of Lemons. This lady has turned her house around and made it awesome. And when I say awesome, I mean very organized and functional. So, I began the challenge. You will see daily posts from me regarding the challenge and then a weekly one that requires more time. Yesterday, I started and completed both the weekly task and the daily task. The reason I did it this way was our house was in desperate need of those things. You'll see on the actual post. Anyway, happy organizing!!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Peggy Likes Cat Treats

Peggy eats the cat treats and this bothers Steven. It doesn't happen that much so I am not worried. She does try to sneak one in her mouth when we are giving them to the cats. The following pics explain it all. Peggy's expressions are priceless.

A Night In Anniston And Rodney The Guinea Pig

Last Saturday, Peg and I went to Anniston to visit the Loves so Steven could work on our yard. We had a fun night and, Gracie had a shadow named Peggy the entire day. Below is a picture of Peggy and Gracie having a snack in the garage. It really is just so cute and proves that your never too old or too young to enjoy one another. In other related news, Gracie and Mac have a Guinea Pig named Rodney that has been around for about three years. He doesn't get much attention from the Loves at all. In fact, my sister tried to pawn him off on us. I don't think he would last long at my house. Peggy does love Rodney, though. She wanted to hold him the entire two days we were there. Enjoy the pics.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Peggy's Gymnastics Class

Peggy has been taking gymnastics at Mountain Brook Gymnastics this past Spring and will continue on through the Summer and Fall. To say that she loves it is an understatement. Peggy is so happy and in her element when she is at the gym every Friday. She has made some older friends that show her the ropes. Stabler, who is the little girl helping Peggy, is her new best older friend. She loves everything about the gym and Coach Robin is her favorite. Enjoy the pics!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Let The Summer Fun Begin

In an attempt to pass the time yesterday, Peggy and I got our pool out and cleaned it for the summer. Peggy was so excited to be able to get in the pool and I was too since it was in the 90s yesterday for the first time. We literally stayed outside in the pool for hours. I even grilled our dinner while Peg played in the pool. In fact, Peggy had so much fun that she decided to get back in the pool in her clothes after she changed out of her swimsuit. She also managed to get in the pool in her PJs after bath time too. I know the pool will be a hit this year and a much needed diversion for both of us. Last year, Peggy was really too small to enjoy being in the pool for any period of time. This year, I forsee we will spend a good deal of time in the pool. Enjoy the pics.!

Peggy's Art Show

Peggy's school has an art show every May to showcase all of the artwork they completed throughout the year. They still send home small art projects and leave the "good ones" for the show. Peggy loves her friend, Gabby so much. Next year, Peggy and Gabby will not be in the same class since Gabby will be in the younger twos and Peggy in the older twos. Boo. Anyway, enjoy the pictures.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Trey And Blayre's Wedding

Well, they are married. My cousin Trey and his lovely wife, Blayre, tied the knot last night after two long years of planning. For those of you that don't know, Trey was diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia last year and had a very tough year last year. Trey is now doing well and this made the wedding that much more special. Blayre was a beautiful bride. And Trey, well, he's Trey. You can get a good idea of his personality from the pictures. Let's just say he never misses a party.

My photo
Whitney and Steven are a married couple living in Birmingham, Alabama where Whitney is a stay at home mom to Peggy and Steven is a sales rep with Cisco.We enjoy going to the beach,working out(Steven everyday, Whitney about once a year) attending church at Canterbury Church and fixing up their 1962 ranch style Mountain Brook home. Whitney also enjoys spending all of Steven's hard-earned paychecks on stuff for the house and stuff for family and friends. Steven enjoys yelling at Whitney for spending his hard-earned money. Steven and Whitney have three children, which are felines:Tiger,Violet and baby Gwenivere; and now one human child who is the light of our lives, Peggy Palmer!

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